Fire Up Your LUME Firepit: A No-Nonsense Guide

Cooler weather is almost here, and that means firepit season! Whether you're a fire-building pro or a total newbie with a LUME firepit, this guide will get you burning bright (safely) in no time.

Building a Boss Fire:

  1. Location, Location, Location: This one's important. Put your LUME firepit on a flat, non-flammable surface, away from anything that could catch fire (think trees, fences, your house). Also, check local rules on firepit placement – you don't want any unwanted surprises.

  2. Fire Starter Essentials: Skip the fancy stuff. Crumpled newspaper works great for kindling. Dry leaves, wood shavings, or a store-bought fire starter are good options too. Forget lighter fluid or anything flammable – it's dangerous and smells bad.

  3. Fuel Up Right: Dry, seasoned firewood is your best friend. It burns cleaner, smokes less, and gives you a hotter fire. Aim for pieces about as thick as your wrist. Don't use anything green, painted, treated, or like mystery construction scraps – they release nasty fumes.

  4. The Firework Stack: Make a small teepee of kindling in the center of the firepit. Then, add a layer of split firewood crisscrossed on top, leaving spaces for air to flow. As the fire gets going, add bigger logs gradually.

Safety First, Always:

  • This isn't a walk-away activity. Keep an eye on your fire, and have a bucket of water or sand nearby in case you need to extinguish it quickly.

  • A fire extinguisher is a smart idea to have on hand too, just in case.

  • Kids and pets? Keep them well-supervised around the firepit – it gets hot!

  • No lighter fluid or other accelerants – ever.

Dousing the Flames:

Once you're done enjoying the fire, let it burn down naturally until the embers are mostly ash. Then, drench everything with water until it's cool to the touch. Stir the ashes to make sure everything's out.

Cleaning Up Your LUME:

When the fire's completely out and cool, remove the ashes, placing a bucket under the side panels and gently sliding them apart makes for quick and easy clean up. Then simple stack your LUME away until next time!

Remember: Following these simple steps will keep your firepit experience safe and fun. Now grab a drink, gather your crew, and enjoy the warmth of your LUME firepit under the stars! Don’t forget to tag us on socials, we love to see you enjoying your LUME!


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